How can we help you?

We have experience in prototype machining, electronics design and prototyping, as well as product development and design for manufacture (DFM). We work closely with clients to deliver impressive solutions for their needs.

Whether you're an entrepreneur with a new product idea or an established business looking to improve your manufacturing process, we're here to help. Contact us today to arrange a no-obligation meeting to discover how we can help you turn your ideas into reality.

Prototype machine work

We have the capability for producing high quality prototypes and short manufacturing runs using advanced CNC machinery and additive manufacturing technologies.

We also welcome work from individuals and businesses who may find it difficult to find conventional machine shops to quote their work. Simply send a 3D model (.step, .sldprt, or similar) and/or a technical drawing to our email address with a request for a quote.

Electronics Prototyping

We have created dozens of printed circuit boards over the years, building circuits from scratch as well as converting breadboard prototypes and schematics drawn on the back of a napkin into fully realised designs.

If you have an electronics project that needs a bit of refinement and polish, or an idea you need help making happen simply get in touch.

Design & Design for Manufacture

Our experience designing for a variety of manufacturing processes can help you avoid common pitfalls and make the manufacturing process faster and cheaper. Help us take your design through the next steps with professional documentation and design advice.

Don't have a fully formed idea yet? That's fine too - let us help you map it out and give your project the best start.